Are you interested in a unique opportunity for professional development? Join the Open Medical Institute in Mexico to learn from experts in your field!
- Date: November 27-29, 2023
- Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
- Seminar in English
- Application Deadline: November 6, 2023
The Open Medical Institute presents a Maternal and Infant Health seminar in Oaxaca designed to share knowledge about common problems encountered during pregnancy, including prenatal detection of genetic disease, prenatal screening, fetal growth restriction, preterm labor, as well as disorders affecting the sick newborn such as fluid and electrolyte controversies, healthcare associated infections, and early-onset sepsis. The seminar is held over two and a half days and allows for intense interaction with attendees through lectures, discussions, and case presentations. The course is geared towards physicians and nurse practitioners who encounter complex pregnancies or work in an intensive care setting. The topics are presented during 45-minute lectures that are followed by 15-minute Q&A discussions. Special sessions will deal with counseling families expecting a peri-viable infant, sharing difficult news with families, and medical education.
The covered topics include an evidence-based approach to early onset sepsis, fetal growth restriction, antenatal consultations at extreme prematurity, mechanisms of inheritance, strategies for sharing difficult news, preterm labor: an evidence-based approach, healthcare-associated infections, how to talk so your students and residents will listen, and more.
Please apply here!