During the month of December, the OMI was glad to welcome nine observers from eight different countries to Austria. Their fields of expertise included Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Otolaryngology, Anesthesiology, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, and Radiology.
The observers really outdid themselves with extensive case reports, immediately implementing their gained knowledge in their home countries, and establishing further collaborations. For an insight into their experiences, here are a few of our favourite quotes from our December observers!
Dr. Anush Barkhudaryan completed her three-month research observership at the General Hospital of Vienna in Cardiology. She left Vienna with exciting news and told the OMI:
“Participation in the OMI research observership program allowed me to establish a scientific collaboration with Austrian physicians. The publication of joint scientific articles is expected in peer-reviewed medical journals.”
Dr. Barkhudaryan was further convinced that: “The participation in the OMI medical seminars and the observership program have significantly contributed to the advancement of my professional career. In particular, I was able to obtain a doctoral degree in Medicine and upgrade my teaching position in my medical university. “
At the Anesthesiology department, Dr. Egzon Daku was equally happy to share his newly gained knowledge back home in Kosovo. The impact the observership had on his team at home could be seen right away.
“The first thing that I did when I came back was talking to my boss and explaning to him the importance of using a flexible fibroscope in ICU, and very soon we will have one of them here. Also, the first case of axillary block under ultrasound guidance for arterio-venous fistula was performed yesterday in Kosovo. This happened after I gained enough confidence to do it and of course this experience in AKH was decisive for this step, isn’t this something wonderful! Previously, these cases were performed with local anesthesia by the surgeon and in many cases the patients had a lot of pain, but now everything is as it should be.”
The observers also had the opportunity to attend several social events, which gave them a better understanding of the history of medicine in Austria and a possibility of making further connections. It was a fabulous conclusion of 2022 to host these OMI observers in Austria!