Duke University is a front runner in Family Medicine and Community Health. From October 10-12, 2022, OMI faculty Dr. John W. Ragsdale III, Division Chief of the Duke University Medical Center, Dr. Teah M. Bayless, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the Duke University Medical Center, and Dr. Jonathan E. Fischer, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Clinical Faculty in the Division of Palliative Care, and Medical Director for the Population Health Management Office at Duke University, shared the Salzburg course content with a young and dedicated group of 28 Mexican doctors in Mexico City, Mexico.
Course participants had the honor of hearing 13 state-of-the-art lectures from the faculty, including topics such as Mastering Tough Conversations, Change Management, Cognitive Screening in Primary Care, Delirium, and more. Two afternoons were dedicated to fellows’ case presentations, which provided the opportunity to share unique healthcare cases from their personal work experience. This is typically a very special time for fellows to receive useful and insightful questions, feedback, and input from faculty and colleagues. 11 cases were presented and four were selected as excellent case presentations by the faculty. Additionally, fellows seemed to especially appreciate the Mastering Difficult Conversations workshop that was held by the faculty, which provided guidance in how to have challenging discussions with patients/families who do not have promising diagnoses.
Last but not least, the fellows finished the seminar with lunch and a closing ceremony, which included the distribution of certificates. The OMI is grateful for this additional step towards OMI global!